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Policy Journal – May 2024

Policy Journal is published monthly for members of Philanthropy Ohio. It brings you all the news you need to know about state education, health and housing policy as well as policies impacting the philanthropic sector and our democracy.

Policy Journal - April 18, 2024

Policy Journal is published monthly for members of Philanthropy Ohio. It brings you all the news you need to know about state education, health and housing policy, as well as policies impacting the philanthropic sector and our democracy.

Before You Go: Mary L. Dunbar

Philanthropy Ohio Senior Vice President for Operations & Strategy Mary Dunbar to retire at the end of October. We caught up with her before she goes to learn about her career path, advice for those entering the field and what’s next.

Americans don’t think nonprofits can fix society’s ills. Here’s how to make sure charities can succeed.

When asked to cite examples of what’s working, many of us point to other cities, states or nations – rather than the solutions happening right in our backyards. To change people’s minds, we must shift the narrative – the stories we tell ourselves about how society works and what obstructs change – toward the things nonprofits and their partners are already doing about deep-seated problems.